Terms & Conditions



Den Hartogh Liquid Logistics
All our offers, services and activities are governed by Dutch law and the District Court of Rotterdam shall have jurisdiction to deal with claims arising thereof, although Den Hartogh can also bring claims at its discretion before any other court with jurisdiction. In addition, the Logistics Services Conditions (LSC) of the Fenex, latest version, excluding the choice of forum/arbitration clause, shall apply to all our offers, services and activities, unless, and only to the extent, that a different liability regime is mandatorily applicable to the particular service or activity or leg of transport.The LSC can be consulted on this page and will be sent to you free of charge upon request.

Den Hartogh Gas Logistics
All our offers, services and activities are governed by Dutch law and the District Court of Rotterdam shall have jurisdiction to deal with claims arising thereof, although Den Hartogh can also bring claims at its discretion before any other court with jurisdiction. In addition, the Logistics Services Conditions (LSC) of the Fenex, latest version, excluding the choice of forum/arbitration clause, shall apply to all our offers, services and activities, unless, and only to the extent, that a different liability regime is mandatorily applicable to the particular service or activity or leg of transport.The LSC can be consulted on this page and will be sent to you free of charge upon request.

Den Hartogh Global
All our offers, services and activities are governed by Dutch law and the District Court of Rotterdam shall have jurisdiction to deal with claims arising thereof, although Den Hartogh can also bring claims at its discretion before any other court with jurisdiction. In addition, the Den Hartogh Global bill of lading terms and conditions are exclusively applicable to all our offers, services and activities related to (contracts for the) carriage by sea or inland waterway. To all our offers, services and activities which are not covered by the Den Hartogh Global bill of lading terms and conditions, including but not limited to forwarding, storage, custom activities, the Logistics Services Conditions (LSC) of the Fenex, latest version, excluding the choice of forum/arbitration clause shall apply. The Den Hartogh Global bill of lading terms and conditions as well as the LSC can be consulted on this webpage and will be sent to you free of charge upon request.

Den Hartogh Dry Bulk Logistics
The Dry Bulk Terms of Business 2017 as per below link are applicable.

Den Hartogh Liquid Food Logistics
All our offers, services and activities are governed by Dutch law and the District Court of Rotterdam shall have jurisdiction to deal with claims arising thereof, although Den Hartogh can also bring claims at its discretion before any other court with jurisdiction.

In addition, the following conditions apply on our various activities:

  • National Dutch Road transport: AVC Terms and Conditions: General Transportation Terms and Conditions of the Stichting Vervoeradres in The Hague (AVC 2002 version 2015). Filed at the registry of the District Court of Amsterdam (under number 81/2014) and Rotterdam (under number 2/2015)
  • International road transport: CMR Convention: Convention on the contract for the International Carriage of Goods by road (CMR) ;
  • Freight Forwarding activities: Dutch Forwarding Conditions: Dutch Forwarding Conditions, General Terms of FENEX (Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics), (version May 1st, 2018). Filed with the registry of the District Court of Amsterdam (under number 23/2018) and Rotterdam (under number 16/2018)
  • Storage activities or warehousing: Logistics Services Conditions: Dutch Logistics Services Conditions of FENEX and TLN (Transport and logistics Netherlands), (version February 1st, 2014). Filed with the registry of the District Court Rotterdam (under number 28/2014)
  • Global transports: The Den Hartogh Global bill of lading terms and conditions are exclusively applicable to all our offers, services and activities related to (contracts for the) carriage by sea or inland waterway.